L2B MED developed a market entry strategy!

We are pleased to announce that we have successfully completed work for our sponsor to develop a strategy to bring to the Russian market a product for the treatment of osteoarthritis, arthritis, joint dysplasia, rheumatoid polyarthritis, post-traumatic arthrosis, osteoarthritis.
Within the framework of the project realization our specialists effectively presented the following blocks of the strategy:
"Basic Strategy"

I Market research
- Identification of direct competitors on the Russian market (full analog in terms of active substance and concentration of active substance)
- Analysis of competitors' retail prices
- Analysis of data on market volume in the Russian Federation (in packs and rubles)
- Analysis of data on market dynamics in the Russian Federation for three years (in packs and rubles)
- Analysis of data on price dynamics in rubles for three years
- Study of potential product distribution channels, selection of priority ones
II Calculation of recommended wholesale price
- Study of product opportunities based on purchase price and margins in the market of similar products
- Study of price positioning opportunities relative to major competitors
III Determination of the revenue part of the budget (sales plan) for three years
IV Development of a plan of marketing activities to enter the Russian market, estimation of their cost
- Determination of the list of possible activities, selection of priority ones, based on the planned budget
V Development of an action plan for sales/promotion of the product on the Russian market
- Study of available opportunities of the sponsor company
- Planning of the sponsor company's sales department structure (number of employees, positions, cities of location, salary grid, qualifications)
- Planning activities to build the sponsor company's sales department structure and determining timelines
- Calculation of sales department costs (FTE, compensation of associated costs, etc.)
VI Calculation of the expenditure part of the budget (costs of marketing activities and promotion)
VII Analysis of revenues and expenses for a period of 3 year
I Positioning
- Positioning for consumers (patients)
- Positioning for physicians
- Positioning for supply chain participants (wholesalers, pharmacies, purchasing decision makers)
- Audience segmentation, targeting
- Identifying audience needs
- Evaluating competitors' communication to the audience
- Finding competitive advantages of the product

II Marketing audit
- Analysis of external environment (micro-environment - BCMC2):
- barging power (bargaining power)
- costs
- market
- competitors
- consumers (consumers, decision makers)
- Analysis of the internal environment (SWOT-analysis of the company)

III Marketing mix
- Product (SWOT-analysis of the product, FAB-concept)
- segmentation
- evaluation
- targeting
- positioning
- Price (justification of price positioning)
- Place (supply chain)
- Promotion

IV Strategic and tactical objectives
V Sales plan
VI Marketing budget
VII Activity Plan

- Activity plan aimed at physicians
- Activity plan aimed at pharmacists
- Activity plan aimed at end users
"Designing a Sales Department"
I Tasks
- Design of the tasking system
- Tasks
- Task evaluation criteria (KPIs for employees and managers)

II Control
- Draft control system
- Proposals for field staff reporting system
- Proposals for organizing controls over the accuracy of data in field staff reports

III Personnel
- Proposals for a recruitment system
- Recommendations on required professional qualifications for new recruits
- Recommendations on personal requirements for candidates for vacancies
- Proposals on motivation system for sales employees (material and non-material)
- Draft job descriptions for an ordinary employee and a sales manager
- Proposals on the system of employee training
Based on the results of the project implementation, the sponsor company adopted the strategy of launching the product proposed by our company.

We wish our client success in its realization and hope that the market of the Russian Federation will soon receive a new player offering consumers an effective, safe and affordable modern product!

Life2b Med team